Sunday, July 28, 2013

More on Interact Question from 7-28-13

1. Question:

How do you feel about getting involved in controversial issues. Are you afraid of that? Do you feel it dilutes your message? Powerless to do anything about it? Let me know? 
What are you working on?
"I just wrote this Poem 12 called "Look" ...I've written before about how and why I don't watch news. It feels reactive. But the last thing I saw on a news page was literally a story where a little boy shot a random infant in the face. I thought to myself how I cannot imagine that happening, and I know it doesn't because I had never heard of it before, but I felt so repulsed by it that I would rather not judge the world based on what I saw on the news that day. What you feed self will be what comes out, so then the challenge became: if I will ingest this, I will ingest as much positive, but I never got back around to the negative stuff :)" - from Interact with me 9pm, 7/28/13

Pt 1. Like everyone else, I choose my battles- asking the same questions I guess y'all ask: Will this matter tomorrow or the year after, etc? And I just go from there. For example, on the one I just wrote: Poem 12: Look, Say Something. I don't generally get mired in debate because many are no longer debatable, what's the point of that. Make a decision, and move along. On this issue, I believe that we should all be offended. Thankfully, we are not where we were, but with an estimated 600 women a day being violently assaulted and 1 and 3 murdered daily by intimate partner, we still have a long way to go before pack-patting. Am I afraid? I would be more of not saying anything; please have my "message" in exchange- deal. 
Letting go doesn't mean ignoring a situation. Letting go means accepting what is, without fear, resistance, or a struggle for control.
Powerless? No way because I believe that any small thing counts. Every interaction between humans count. A family raising great children is a part-- imagine the generations affected- Lord willing. Being kind to a woman and supporting her after an assault and helping to care for her emotionally until she can better care for herself is a part. It helps her-- her children; what if she pays it forward to someone else. If the price is interrupting a chorus of sunshine just to say-- hey I love boot-strap talkin' as much as the next person, but you over there trying to survive this. I see you; you are not invisible. You didn't do anything wrong, and and from you are not what I turn my face.

What are your answers?

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