Sunday, August 11, 2013

More on New Challenge / Community *PICKS* for Artists

Deleted Background Info (Back story)

I must admit that this challenge was unexpected. Most people in my own personal life never knew full-time professional Meka- talking comfortably about all sorts of business- in nearly every corner of the country- from guest speaking for organizations and such, making a presentation or few that some might consider just a smidgen important, conducting training, holding classes, meetings with other companies about my company-- oh gosh you name it O_O I never sought to do any of these things, but ended up doing them as part of my job(s) where I gladly discussed what I had written for another entity. Funny thing is I'm still not 100% sure why the stark contrast between that me and the me who barely made it through the last video challenge (hey an ugly win is still a win lol)?

Basic Challenge Details

Even with some Challenges under my belt, it is always a good time to review the basics! That means questioning everything- including why I'm doing this and whether this challenge places me in a better position to meet my goals or if it is just good fodder for the blogosphere or fuel for procrastination. "Why the stark contrast between me and the last time I checked myself on the "Challenge to Act Out"?" Seems like a good fair question initially. Am I a different person or did all that happened on top of all I allowed to happen in the end- finally reshape me into someone less capable? Was it because all of a sudden, I'm reading my own personal thoughts and writings about me now? Woooah, right?!
How about this: Is that a fair comparison? Am I trying to be what I was before or just build on what I know worked? Which of these are important enough to be a show-stopper or a deal breaker? Does this challenge point me into the direction of my goals of any term? If not, what will point me there? That's why this time, I will give myself two weeks instead of one. What can I do moving forward to make a few more precautions to ensure that my boundaries cannot be so easily or suddenly moved to a place no longer recognizable, without living a life rooted in fear. This is life-- not politics. Oh, I hate to be wrong as much as anyone else, but in respect for my human attributes, I'd rather to be wrong beforehand :) See, I have no aversion to fixing what doesn't work. It's supposed to work- one could hope.
. If only time were infinite, I would dwell there forever and here with you, but I must go. Talk to ya soon!

Community New Artist *PICKS*

Deleted Un-edited Back-story 

As for me, I will be here when the story comes; here's what I know: Listening to, admiring, and creating new art is a most enjoyable escape. I really hoped for the magic of the first post, but like drugs... you've heard the story. Afterward, when I asked the right questions, I found that I did not seek the music, but that it had sought me after I had learned to make myself available to it. It's just like the pattern across the rest of life. Once you give yourself (or others) the tools and information, it's then available to be recalled at the right now. Of myself, I learned that my own creative limitations at the moment (although limits tend to vanish quickly once identified, don't they?). include that I can only write creative works for myself-- On-Demand-- whether or not I have a story for it, seems subject to what I am not moved to write about. Who knows if I will ever be moved to do write again about music this way. Luckily, I have found several outlets that can, and I'm just as ok with that. See, it was never really about the thing. And that applies also to the reality of writing this way for now. When I sit down, I don't usually know what I will write-- only an idea of how I feel, and if I'm so lucky-- the message I'd like to convey. It seems to create itself because I don't quite understand it, a quest for such knowledge feels futile now. I have been practicing getting better at this by participating in mini-challenges using the Prompts, and sometimes it works faster than others I select, but not a minute before the story comes, so I am here waiting. I wonder if you feel that way or if it makes any sense. That's the best I can describe it.

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