Tuesday, October 22, 2013

More on Poem 23: If My Love Were Your Drug

Commentary on my latest poem, "If My Love Were Your Drug" on Lovemekanism.org

Well we've all heard the term. Do you remember Ke$ha's earworm they used to play over and over on one of the local radio stations a few years ago? But right now among my circle of friends and any little influence I may have, it's like Spring in the Fall- as if everyone is falling in LOOOVE!! You know I cannot resist love.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

More on Poem 22: Fear of Fear - Phobophobia

I attribute a lot of my peace lately to my three favorite words. And achieving none of those things were possible without overcoming a great deal of fear. It was monumental for me to do so, but it also opened my eyes to the paralyzing fear that  many people live with everyday-- we as human beings-- suck and unable to become whole for those things. And it seemed that everywhere I looked, in everyone I met, and in nearly everything I read is about basically about fear- some for just cause but a lot of it is irrational to the individual. So I'm clear, I do believe in healthy fear, but it seems that it has become largely unhealthy to my corner of society at least.