Saturday, October 19, 2013

More on Poem 22: Fear of Fear - Phobophobia

I attribute a lot of my peace lately to my three favorite words. And achieving none of those things were possible without overcoming a great deal of fear. It was monumental for me to do so, but it also opened my eyes to the paralyzing fear that  many people live with everyday-- we as human beings-- suck and unable to become whole for those things. And it seemed that everywhere I looked, in everyone I met, and in nearly everything I read is about basically about fear- some for just cause but a lot of it is irrational to the individual. So I'm clear, I do believe in healthy fear, but it seems that it has become largely unhealthy to my corner of society at least.

So then in my epiphany, I am no longer special- having overcome a fear, but I am everyone who will ever do or accomplish anything-- at the doorstep of life looking out- warning others who should be more afraid than they are. I realized that I'm not the only person afraid of things.

I consider myself an observer of life and an artist. In writing or any art for that matter, it is always easier to see things more clearly when they have been interpreted outside of ourselves in media such as photographs, artwork, poetry and literature, song or dance. I hope you enjoy my lyrical interpretation entitled "Poem 21: Fear of Fear" 

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